Weekly Recap, 1530, Speaking at Rubyconf, Walking from Cubao to BGC.

On the 1530th week of my life, I:

Speaking at RubyconfPH

This whole week started off with me still coding, but at the middle of the week, things really went to Rubyconf mode. To be completely honest, I’m not scared of speaking in front of a hundred people. I just look at the front of the room anyways. I just remember that I can speak to anyone, and it’s like I’m speaking to one hundred people one hundred times.

I am scared though of my filler words during the talk. Because of that, I wrote everything down on the slide notes. While that solves the problem of filler words, you don’t want to be reading everything off the slides. I abandoned reading the slides midway through the presentation.

While I practiced the material tons of times on my own, I didn’t practice actually standing up and giving the talk. So I went over the limit. Lesson learned. Practice more and more and practice everything.

Overall, I’m happy with the result. Not to toot my own horn but I objectively think the talk was okay. I’ve had a few people tell me that they liked it and they got something from it. I saw a few people taking photos of the slides, and one of the people I look up to in the Philippine Ruby community chatted with me on Twitter about it. Oh well, that’s done! Yay!

Being at RubyConfPH

I’ve been to all five RubyConfPHs. It’s mirrored my Rails developer progress, seeing as I didn’t even have a job when I went to the first one. For the next three iterations, I was a Sourcepad employee. In this fifth edition, I came (walked in? 😂) as a speaker.

It’s an active benchmark of my current skills against other people taking the same journey as I am. It reminds me of “oh yeah, I should probably be applying myself more”. I also like that I slowly get to understand the talks year by year. Progress!

I think of web development shops as middle-age guilds, and RubyConfPH as the annual guild meeting: the different Ruby companies all meet up at one place to talk about their craft. And honestly, I thought the whole “Ruby programmers are nice” was just a buzz phrase, but as I’ve spoken with tens of them throughout the years, it’s actually true. I really like chatting and making new friends with fellow Rubyists.
